Par Semper Rose dans Jardinage/ Gardening le 24 Juillet 2017 à 17:29...place. It's the square i hoed after taking thorn bushes out of th soil, the ground seems to be fertile and productive. Dans mon petit potager surélevé, les tomates paraissent belles je vais les goûter prochainement ! In my small raised vegetable garden, tomatoes seem great ! I will taste them...
Par Semper Rose dans Cuisine/ Cooking le 10 Août 2015 à 12:48...obtain a ball paste. Let stand it. Topping : a tablespoon of Dijon whole-grained mustard, a teaspoon of liquid honey, tomatoes, parmesan or grated cheese, Thyme. Roll the pastry, then spread the mustard. Divide the honey all over the pie. Cut the tomatoes, arrange them. Add thyme, parmesan or else,...
Par Semper Rose dans Astuces jardin/ Garden tips le 18 Juin 2015 à 10:48...after you remove the tape on it, you can reuse it in the garden, as mulch for you fruit trees, delicate plants, at the foot of tomatoes or making a cover to your home made compost basket. In the keyhole garden, the cardboard is useful each year when you prepare the soil, it stops weeds from...
Par Semper Rose dans Jardin en trou de serrure/ Keyhole garden le 13 Juin 2015 à 13:51...has already produced two times radishes. The mixing of earth, fertile ground, sand and ash suit them. For the tomatoes, because they are close each other, they ahave resisted against the rainstorm, but it's a big work to remove all the suckers (branches which don't have flowers or vegetables) There...